10. Grand Theft Auto, but this time on bikes. Has drug runs, being chased by gangs, and even has a drive by on a bike.
9. Mortal Kombat : These guys show some of the original game at the beginning, but keep watching to get to the good stuff… including MK theme music in the background midway.
8. Resident Evil 4 Spoof
7. Metal Gear Solid: A group of Taiwanese Metal Gear fans created this clip. Check out the basketball court fight.
6. Super Zero Gear X-2 : What happens when video games invade life
5 Splinter Cell
4 Halo, Pokemon and Final Fantasy — all in one
3. Counter Strike: The creator of this video supposedly spent over 70 hours making this video. This video tells the story of a gamer so obsessed with Counter Strike that his distinction of what is real and what is not fades away.
2 Another Metal Gear Solid spoof
1. Mario: Students from Gordan Collge in Wentham, MA made this short Super Mario Bros. skit which recreates a level from the actual game. Remember those gold question marks floating on the top, to get the ping ping bonuses… amazing