Fresh videos
Monday, August 28, 2006
This is just as I remember Monty Python being
with South Park added for good measure.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Thats the way to take care of things girl!!!!!!! Video like a spoof of a horror movie where a stalker gets a nasty surprise

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This is a great cartoon series parody of
Nicks kid cartoon. Spoof of a Nick cartoon Spongebog Squarepants
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A group of kids set out to make a prank video on why
lemonade is yellow

I think that they did pretty good. Don't you?

If so please click the Digg This! button below.

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This is actually pretty funny for a small made cartoon.

Though I can see why Bill doesn't want anyone to watch it.
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Here is a twisted comedy video on the the BK fellow from Burger King

But then I always wondered when I would see that commercial with the guy waking up to the BK in his bed with a sandwhich. Made you wonder!!
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
This absolutely should be an American TV show. It is completly hilarious. It has been around for about a month but when I saw it I knew that I needed to post it as my first review. From me to you this video rocks. It does take about 10 seconds to buffer and start. Please be patient. British TV show pilot not seen on American television.

If you like it please use the Digg it! button below and sound off like you have a pair.

Thanks and look for more shortly.
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